Dr. Manuel Ojea Rúa, Professor of Educational Guidance, director of Research Scientific Institute (Association Autism-Ourense) (Spain) informs that “Can J Biomed Res & Tech” (https://www.biomedress.com)constitutes a scientific Journal, which meets the requirements to raise level of social impact as scientific publications since divulgation of scientific works conform to accreditation requirements:
1. Meets criteria for peer review, highly specialized, anonymous and objectively.
2.It conforms to highly rigorous criteria of scientific method previously indicated.
3.It ́s based about structural standards in relation with APA standards 6th Edition.
4.The diffusion is international.
5.It ́s developed in free access format. It also keeps a transcendent and extraordinary function in scientific-social field, so helping innovations in diagnosis and intervention area in psycho-biomedical disorders.